Practice area
“Gómez-Acebo & Pombo has an extraordinary criminal knowledge as well as a very extensive experience in the jurisdiction.”
Our experts in economic criminal law and internal investigations are considered to be the major references in Spain in this field, as also accredited by the prestigious legal directories Chambers & Partners and Legal500.
This extraordinary positioning is accredited by their degree of technical specialization, as well as by their proven experience having intervened in the main proceedings related to economic crime at national level in recent years.
Given the diversity of matters that converge in the criminal jurisdiction, they have the technical support of our best experts in practices such as tax, environmental, labor and urban planning, among others.
Our team, in addition to being characterized by its technical training, is accessible and generates confidence in our clients, two key aspects that a criminal lawyer must have.
In relation to the activities they develop, they are oriented not only to the exercise of the accusation or criminal defense before the courts and tribunals, but also to the preventive advice with the issuance of reports or opinions aimed at avoiding risks in the decisions that may be taken by the management bodies of companies.
For this reason, we have developed an area dedicated to criminal prevention programs or compliance, a field in which we provide comprehensive advice, from the development of organizational and management models for the prevention of criminal risks to the development of specific internal control systems, training of management or employees or advice to the control body (compliance officer).
Our services include:
- fraud, unfair administration, misappropriation
- corporate crimes
- insolvency and bankruptcy offenses
- tax, accounting
- money laundering
- against workers’ rights
- environmental and urban planning
- public and corporate corruption
- industrial property and copyright
- computer crimes
- against the market and consumers
We are recognised nationally and internationally for our legal services, management, client service, innovation and technical excellence.
