Terms of use - Despacho de abogados Gómez-Acebo y Pombo
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Terms of use

1. Corporate information

Gómez-Acebo & Pombo Abogados, S. L. P., (hereinafter GA_P), with registered office at Paseo de la Castellana, 216, 28046 Madrid, with Tax Identification Number B-81089328, and registered with the Madrid Registry of Companies in volume 20788, book 0, folio 180, section 8, sheet M 368387, entry 1, as owner of the website www.ga-p.com (hereinafter the website), hereby informs you of the Terms of Use thereof.

Access to or use of the website constitutes acceptance by the user of these Terms of Use.

2. Use of the website: responsibilities

The user is entirely responsible for his/her access to and correct use of the website, subject to the laws in force in Spain, as well as the principles of good faith, custom and public policy. The user undertakes to comply with any instructions that, in relation to such use and access, may be provided by GA_P.

The user is required to make reasonable use of the website and its contents, according to the possibilities and purposes for which it has been designed.

The user is solely responsible for the information, or contents of any kind that he/she may communicate through the website.

GA_P does not guarantee the usefulness, accuracy, completeness, relevance and/or timeliness of the contents of the website. The contents provided through the website do not constitute in any way the provision of a service or advice on the specific subject of such content.

The user recognises that, insofar as each specific case may be conditioned by very different circumstances, the information included in the contents may be insufficient for taking decisions of any nature. For this reason, the information included in the contents cannot be regarded as an alternative to any type of recommendation, advice or specific counsel, and GA_P advises the user not to take decisions on the basis of the information contained in the contents without obtaining adequate professional advice.

3. Uses not allowed

As a user of the website we inform you that access or use of the website for illegal or unauthorised purposes, whether or not for economic gain, is FORBIDDEN and, therefore, the consequences thereof will be your exclusive responsibility. Specifically, and without the list below being absolute, the following is forbidden:

  1. Use the website in an illegal manner, or in any other way that could damage, overload or impair the site itself.
  2. Introduce computer viruses, defective files, or host, store, distribute or share any other material or computer programme that may cause damage or alterations to the contents, programmes or systems of the website.
  3. Use or resell for unauthorised commercial purposes the contents included in the website, without the prior authorisation of GA_P.

GA_P shall be entitled to adopt, at its sole discretion, at the request of the third party concerned or the competent authority, the necessary measures in the event of failure to comply with the provisions of this clause. The adoption of such measures shall not give rise to any right to compensation.

4. Protection of personal data

The collection and processing of personal data provided by the user as well as the exercise of the user’s rights over such data will be governed by the website’s Privacy Policy.

5. Exemption from liability

5.1. For the contents provided by users

If any content, files, information, advertising, opinions, concepts and images hosted on the website are contrary to the law, custom, good faith and public policy or contain any type of computer virus or similar software routine, they will be removed.

GA_P is not responsible for the contents, files, information, advertising, opinions, concepts and images provided by the user or third parties.

GA_P disclaims any liability, either direct or indirect, derived from the misuse of the web page or its contents by the user, who is exclusively liable, in any case, for the consequences, harm or actions that could derive from his/her access to or use of the website or the contents hosted, as well as from the reproduction or communication thereof.

5.2. For the contents hosted on pages accessible from the website

GA_P is not responsible for any of the content, files, information, advertising, opinions, concepts and images that are issued, published or distributed directly or indirectly through any interconnected website that is accessed through the website by means of links, or any of the services that are linked or related to this interconnected site.

5.3. For the operation of the Website

GA_P provides its services and content on an ongoing basis using all the technical means at its disposal to carry out this provision satisfactorily.

GA_P may, when it considers it convenient, make corrections, improvements or modifications to the information contained in the website, in the services, or in the contents without this giving rise to any claim or compensation, nor does it constitute recognition of any liability.

GA_P is not liable for harm of any kind that may arise from the availability and technical continuity of the operation of the website. In any case, GA_P will carry out all the necessary actions to re-establish its services in the event of technical failure.

6. Intellectual property

The website is a collective work owned by GA_P, which holds all the intellectual property rights in it.

Any form of reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation and, in general, any act of exploitation of all or part of the contents (images, texts, designs, indexes, forms, etc.) that make up the website, as well as the databases (sui generis right) and the software necessary for the display or operation thereof (including source codes), is prohibited without the express prior written authorisation of GA_P.

Under no circumstances may the user exploit or make commercial use, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, of any of the contents (images, texts, designs, indexes, forms, etc.) that make up the website without the prior written authorisation of GA_P.

All the contents, without limitation, that form part of the website, that is to say, information, articles, data, texts, logos, icons, images, design and image of the website (external appearance or “look and feel”), video files, audio files, databases, computer applications, are the property of GA_P or are exploited under license from third parties who hold the intellectual property rights in the aforementioned contents. These are protected by the intellectual property laws in force.

All trademarks and logos of GA_P referred to on the website are trademarks or registered trademarks of GA_P.

7. Changes and amendments to the terms

GA_P may, at any time, amend these terms or introduce new terms of use, sufficing for this purpose that it is communicated through the website.

8. Governing law and jurisdiction

The legislation in force shall determine the laws that must govern and the jurisdiction that must hear the relationship between GA_P and the User and the website.