Ainara Rentería “Urban mobility” | Capital & Corporate

icon 1 of March, 2022
Ainara Rentería, in Capital & Corporate’s report on urban mobility, where she talks about the commitment of society, investors and public administrations to sustainability and the birth of new urban transport solutions with great growth potential.

“The evolution of the mobility market has been exponential, especially in areas such as electrification, digitalisation, the rise of emerging mobility services by traditional automotive brands, such as subscription programmes for new vehicles, pay-as-you-go and car sharing. There is also a proliferation in the use of motorbikes and bicycles and new trends in micro-mobility (Segways, scooters, electric skateboards), often driven by the automotive manufacturers themselves”.

Article Capital&Corporate

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Sandra Cuesta
Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications
Sandra Cuesta
Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications

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