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Álvaro Mateo talks about this year’s M&A and private equity forecasts | Capital&Corporate
Recent political and geo-strategic changes could begin to reverse the trend of hyper-regularisation that has been dominating the European market in Corporate and M&A matters.
Álvaro Mateo, coordinating partner of the Mercantil area, is interviewed by Capital&Corporate where he analyses the start-up of transactional activity in 2025 in a context of geopolitical uncertainty and economic volatility. The focus is on strategic sectors such as defence, energy, healthcare, education and technology.
‘In this environment, private equity will continue to play a key role, with funds that have high liquidity but significant challenges in closing deals in a selective environment. In addition, artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly important, not only as a driver of new investment opportunities, but also in the way M&A deals are structured and advised,’ says Álvaro.
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Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications

Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications
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