Cristina Santos on the Universities and Law Firms 2022 Report | El Confidencial

icon 12 of July, 2022
Cristina Santos, Human Resources Director at Gómez – Acebo & Pombo, has collaborated with El Confidencial in its new Report on Universities and Law Firms for 2022, where she has highlighted that, during the selection processes “we look for candidates who […] fit in with our values, where close relationships and teamwork in an environment of excellence and innovation prevail” as well as “who are restless, who have participated in different activities during university and who have had experience abroad”, among others.

In short, Santos clarifies that “the academic record and the level of English are taken into consideration as a cut-off mark, but, during the process, the tests focus more on skills such as teamwork, commitment or relational skills”.

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Sandra Cuesta
Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications
Sandra Cuesta
Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications

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Gómez-Acebo & Pombo
