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GA_P advises Energy Solar Tech on its incorporation to BME Growth
Gómez-Acebo & Pombo advised Energy Solar Tech, a regulated energy trader focused on the industrial, rural, commercial and corporate sectors, on its incorporation into BME Growth, BME’s marketplace for SMEs.
Energy Solar Tech, which belongs to the energy sector, is on a mission to facilitate companies’ migration to renewable energy through its differential energy outsourcing model, which allows it to minimise its customers’ energy costs without taking on any investment. The company previously raised €7.5 million in a funding round, with the aim of allocating the amount raised to investment in distributed energy production assets and inorganic growth, reaching a capitalisation of €65 million.
Guillermo Guerra, partner, Valentina Rodríguez, Of Counsel, Jacobo Palanca, Irene Carreño and Emiliano Moreno, associates, all members of the commercial and capital markets team, advised on the transaction.
Energy Solar Tech, which belongs to the energy sector, is on a mission to facilitate companies’ migration to renewable energy through its differential energy outsourcing model, which allows it to minimise its customers’ energy costs without taking on any investment. The company previously raised €7.5 million in a funding round, with the aim of allocating the amount raised to investment in distributed energy production assets and inorganic growth, reaching a capitalisation of €65 million.
Guillermo Guerra, partner, Valentina Rodríguez, Of Counsel, Jacobo Palanca, Irene Carreño and Emiliano Moreno, associates, all members of the commercial and capital markets team, advised on the transaction.
Lawyer mentioned
Guillermo Guerra – Partner
Jacobo Palanca – Senior Associate
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Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications

Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications
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Gómez-Acebo & Pombo
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