GA_P advises Laurion Group in its entry in the share capital of Enerside (BME Growth)

icon 2 of August, 2024

Gómez-Acebo & Pombo advises Laurion Group in its strategic entry in the share capital and in the board of directors of Enerside Energy, a Catalan renewable energy company whose shares are traded in BME Growth.

Laurion Group has acquired in an OTC transaction a 12.61% stake in Enerside, after an investment of €4m, becoming a significant shareholder.

The entry of Laurion Group is accompanied by a refinancing of the company’s current debt of approximately €14m with Caixabank and Banco Santander, the granting of a new financing by Andbank of up to €25m which will be guaranteed by Laurion Group, as well as a capital increase that will take place in the coming months.

The transaction aims to finance and develop the company’s business plan.

The GA_P team was formed by Guillermo Guerra and Andrea Esbrí, partner and associate of Corporate.

Lawyer mentioned

David González – Partner

Mónica Martells – Associate

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Corporate and M&A

Press contact

Sandra Cuesta
Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications
Sandra Cuesta
Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications

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