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GA_P advises the Luna Family on the sale of HT Group to Fremman Capital fund

icon 27 of May, 2024
Gómez-Acebo & Pombo has advised the Luna family on the sale to Fremman Capital of a majority stake in Grupo HT, Spain’s leading provider of radiology and diagnostic imaging services. This is one of the most significant transactions of this quarter in the Private Equity and Healthcare sectors. The transaction is subject to approval by the Competition and Foreign Investment Authorities (FDI).

The international asset manager, Fremman, becomes the majority shareholder of HT Médica. The entry of Fremman will support the company in its next phase of growth and make the company a national leader. The transaction is valued at more than 100 million euros.

The GA_P team was formed by Pablo Fernández Cortijo, Andrés Castro, Inés López, Marta del Toro and Nicolás Zúñiga, partner and associates of Corporate; Luis Cuesta, Dunia García, John Galilea and Ainhoa Colet, senior associate and associates of Tax; Irene Fernández Puyol, Ignacio Álvarez, Marta Rey, Amelia Suárez and Ester Abascal, partner and associates of Public; Miguel Troncoso, Eduardo Gómez de la Cruz, and Jesús Urriza, partner, counsel and associate of Competition and EU Law; Irene Medina and Jimena Sánchez, associates of Banking and Finance; Lourdes Escassi and Carmen Abad, counsel and associate of Labour Law; Isabela Crespo, Isabel Bandín, Elisa Gómez-Bernardo and Iratze Arrigain, associates in Intellectual Property; and Natalia Lastres, Isabel Ferrández, Javier Marroquín and Juan Sainz, cousel and associates in Real Estate.
Congratulations to all !

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Lawyer mentioned

Pablo Fernández Cortijo – Partner

Andrés Castro – Senior Associate

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Sandra Cuesta
Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications
Sandra Cuesta
Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications

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