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GA_P represents INTERPORC, PROVACUNO, INTEROVIC, ASICI, AVIANZA and INTERCUN in the lawsuit against Foods for Tomorrow

icon 4 of June, 2024
The interprofessional organisations INTERPORC, PROVACUNO, INTEROVIC, ASICI, AVIANZA and INTERCUN, represented by Gómez-Acebo & Pombo, have partially won the lawsuit brought against Foods for Tomorrow (Heüra) for greenwashing advertising.

The judgment, handed down on 23 April 2024, declares that Heüra has committed acts of unfair competition on the grounds that its advertising consisting of statements relating to livestock and meat products is misleading, denigratory and an unlawful comparison.

What is relevant in this judgment is the conviction of Heüra, which states that the advertising that has been declared unlawful was carried out through an intense campaign on the social network Instagram, as well as the advertising banner in Toledo Street in Madrid (A hamburger pollutes more than your car). Although the banner was removed, the plaintiff has proved in its lawsuit how the lawsuit has even ‘profited’ from the previous injunction procedure, with the publication of photographs and videos. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that the defendant’s conduct will continue or that the misleading, denigrating and unlawfully comparative acts will remain in the consumer’s memory.
The GA_P team was formed by José Luis Palma, counsel for Public and Regulated Sectors, and Mónica Esteve and Mercedes Corbal, respectively counsel and associate for Industrial and Intellectual Property.

Congratulations to all of them!



Press contact

Sandra Cuesta
Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications
Sandra Cuesta
Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications

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Gómez-Acebo & Pombo
