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Legal obstacles to storing green energy | Cinco Días

icon 10 of July, 2024

Cinco Días has today published an article on the legal obstacles to the storage of green energy

In it, Borja Carvajal, Public Law and Regulated Sectors partner at Gómez Acebo & Pombo, argues that promoting long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs) and improving energy interconnection in Europe could be solutions.

Finally, Borja suggests reforming the European electricity market to encourage investment in renewable energy with stable prices. In addition, investors need certainty to finance storage projects in a bureaucratic regulatory environment.

Jorge Velasco, the author of this article, explains that Spain is moving towards its goal of becoming Europe’s leader in green energy production. By 2023, 50.3% of the energy used will come from renewable sources, the highest figure ever recorded. To achieve this, energy storage systems will be needed to supply consumers at times of low production and avoid the use of polluting sources.

Although the Ministry of Ecological Transition has ambitious plans, there are obstacles such as complex administrative regulations and price volatility. Simplifying administrative procedures and reducing costs are needed to promote this technology in Spain.

Lawyer mentioned

Borja Carvajal – Partner



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Sandra Cuesta
Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications
Sandra Cuesta
Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications

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