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Solidarity initiatives during the Christmas season | Cinco Días

icon 19 of December, 2022
There are many solidarity initiatives that companies carry out, especially during the Christmas season, to help people in disadvantaged situations. Today, this Cinco Dias article highlights some of the solidarity activities carried out by Goméz-Acebo y Pombo and the Fernando Pombo Foundation.

This year, among the special Christmas volunteering proposals, the Firm is participating in a solidarity initiative aimed at the elderly, taking them on a tour of Madrid to enjoy the Christmas lights with them as part of the project “Envejecer con derechos; que la edad no sea un límite” (“Ageing with rights; age is not a limit”). In addition, from Madrid, we collaborate with the Food Bank in sorting food supplies and our Valencia office works with the homeless through the NGO Amigos de la Calle.

Read the full article.

Press contact

Sandra Cuesta
Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications
Sandra Cuesta
Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications

More information about
Gómez-Acebo & Pombo
