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The challenges of the TARU| iagua
Eduardo Orteu, of Counsel at Gómez-Acebo & Pombo, delves into the extended producer responsibility in the cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries, highlighting the importance of transparency and accountability, as well as the future challenges in this field.
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Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications

Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications
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Gómez-Acebo & Pombo
3 days ago
The notion of ‘pharmacological action’ in the legal concept of medicinal product
A look at the judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-589/23, Cassella-med and MCM Klosterfrau, ECLI:EU:C:2025:173.
5 days ago
A first ranking mortgage does not prevent a creditor from accelerating loan maturity due to debtor insolvency
If the creditor has a secured claim (even if the debt is covered by the "value of the security", i.e. the claim is in the money), the debtor cannot avoid the effects of the to-term forfeiture by appealing to the existence of that security because the guarantee referred to in Article 1129(1) of the Civil Code (avoiding to-term forfeiture) must then be another additional guarantee.
5 days ago
La existencia de una hipoteca de primer rango no impide que el acreedor pueda declarar el vencimiento anticipado del plazo por insolvencia sobrevenida del deudor
Si el acreedor goza de una garantía real para la seguridad de su crédito (incluso si la deuda está cubierta por el «valor de la garantía», es decir, que el crédito está in the money), el deudor no puede evitar los efectos de la pérdida del plazo apelando a la existencia de aquella garantía real porque la garantía a que se refiere el artículo 1129.1.º del Código Civil (evitadora de la pérdida del plazo) deberá ser entonces otra garantía suplementaria.
21 Mar, 2025
Tax treatment of exemptions under the Public Service of Justice (Efficiency Measures) Act
Here follows a critical analysis of the changes made by the Public Service of Justice (Efficiency Measures) Act to the regulation of three of the exemptions provided for in Article 7 of the Personal Income Tax Act that seek to favour the implementation and promotion of non-court appropriate dispute resolution procedures.
20 Mar, 2025
Use of environmental claims in advertising: the Iberdrola v. Repsol case
Santander Companies Court No. 2 Judgment no. 12/2025 of 21 February, which is not conclusive, is analysed.
14 Mar, 2025
A good ruling on financial assistance: collateral given to secure third-party borrowings is not invalid
This latest Supreme Court ruling on the prohibition of financial assistance in the purchase of shares in the assisting company (assisting as ‘borrower for third party debt’) is to be praised, erasing the bad taste left by the reading of the immediate precedent (Supreme Court Judgment of 20 April 2023, Ezentis) which held an agreement to underwrite the value of the shares sold by the company invalid.
12 Mar, 2025
Invalidity of a patent raised as a defence: questions of jurisdiction
The determination of international jurisdiction in respect of the invalidity of a patent raised as a defence varies depending on the State — whether member or not of the European Union — in which such patent was granted.
11 Mar, 2025
A new Portuguese electric mobility regime taken out to public consultation
On 26 February 2025, the Cabinet approved a proposal for a decree-law repealing and replacing, with profound changes, Decree-law 39/2010 of 26 April, which established the Legal Regime for Electric Mobility.
10 Mar, 2025
EU doctrine on ‘temporary-work agencies’ applied to non-agency undertakings that ‘assign’ workers
The Court of Justice of the European Union conditions the interpretation of legislation and case law on unlawful assignment of workers. It takes the view that EU legislation on temporary-work agencies must be applied even when an assignment is carried out by an unauthorised company. Something similar to what is provided for unlawful assignments in Spanish employment law.