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Reyes Palá

Reyes Palá

Reyes Palá
Reyes Palá
Academic Counsel
(+34) 91 582 91 00
Madrid Office
Paseo de la Castellana, 216. 28046 Madrid (España)
(+34) 91 582 91 00

Reyes es miembro del Consejo Académico de Gómez-Acebo & Pombo.

Catedrática de Derecho Mercantil de la Universidad de Zaragoza, fue Premio Extraordinario de doctorado por esa misma universidad (1996). Subdirectora en excedencia de la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV).

Ha intervenido en diversos cursos y seminarios internacionales en la Universidad de Harvard (Estados Unidos), la Université de Paris I, Panthèon-Sorbonne (Francia), la Universidad de Florencia (Italia) y el Dublin Trinity College (Irlanda).

Cuenta con más de 100 publicaciones científicas en el ámbito del derecho mercantil, en materias relacionadas principalmente con el derecho del mercado de valores, el derecho de sociedades o el sistema financiero.

Es co-directora de la revista de Derecho del Mercado de Valores, miembro del Comité ejecutivo de la revista de Sociedades y del Consejo de redacción de la revista de Derecho Bancario y Bursátil. Reyes es miembro académico del Instituto Europeo de Gobierno Corporativo.

Áreas y sectores en los que colabora

Colabora con Gómez-Acebo & Pombo desde 2018.

2005 | Subdirectora de la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV).

1996 | Licenciada y doctora en Derecho por la Universidad de Zaragoza.

2009 | Directora del CDI Pirineos de la Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo.

Miembro Académico del Instituto Europeo de Gobierno Corporativo.




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Lourdes López

Lourdes López

Lourdes López
Lourdes López
Academic Counsel
(+34) 91 582 91 00
Madrid Office
Paseo de la Castellana, 216. 28046 Madrid (España)
(+34) 91 582 91 00

Lourdes is a member of the Academic Counsel at Gómez- Acebo & Pombo.

She is a Professor of Employment and Social Security Law at the University of Cantabria (Spain). Referee at Trade Union Elections, Cantabria, passing more than 300 resolutions.

She holds a Law degree from the Autonomous Univeristy of Madrid (Spain), a master’s degree in Employment and Tax Law Advice from the Autonomous University of Madrid. She is a Doctor of Law “cum laude” from the Autonomous University of Madrid with the doctoral thesis named La Prejubilación (extraordinary prize), (1996). Lourdes has studies at the following Universities: París X (Nanterre), París II (Assas), Oxford (Balliol College) and Columbia (New York).

Manager at the Spanish Association of Employment and Social Security Law. Organisation of fourteen national conferences. Non-judicial member of the Electoral Board, Cantabria (Spain). Member of the Social and Economic Council of Cantabria. Member of the Committee for Access to Professorship through national accreditation in Social and Legal Sciences at the Directorate-General for University Policy under the Ministry of Universities.

Professor of Law, Business and Administration; Employment Relations; on Ph.D. programmes and master’s degree courses at Autonomous University of Madrid and the University of Cantabria, respectively. Professor on Ph.D. programmes and master’s degree courses and apecialisation courses of other public and private Institutions. Director of the master’s degree on Health and Safety and master’s degree on Gender Equality and Public Politics. Director of Summer Courses at UIniversity of Cantabria. Director of Cátedra Cantabria 2011 from the University of Cantabria and the Parliament of Cantabria. Speaker at national and international Seminars and Conferences, as well as author of
numerous legal publications in specialised journals and author of legal books. Chairwoman and member, respectively, of doctoral thesis Courts, Public Exams, Evaluation Committees, Commissions on recruitment, juries, etc. Member of the Scientific Council of several journals. Director of the Private Law Department at University of Cantabria. Grand Ward “Estudios Financieros” given by Financial Studies Center (CEF). Award FIPROS from the Ministry of Employment and Immigration Affairs. Evaluating competent authority at The National Agency for Assessment and Forecasting (ANEP). Researcher and I+D Projects Principal Director from the Ministry of Sciences and Technology.

Areas and sectors in which he collaborates

She collaborates with Gómez-Acebo & Pombo since 2014.

1988 | Degree in Law from the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain).

1989 | Master’s degree in Employment and Tax Law Advice, from the Autonomous University of Madrid.

1996 | Doctor in Law from the Autonomous University of Madrid with the doctoral thesis La Prejubilación (extraordinary prize).

Studies at the following Universities: París X (Nanterre), París II (Assas), Oxford (Balliol College) and Columbia (New York).

1991-2004 | Manager, Spanish Association of Labour Law and Social Security Law. Organisation of fourteen national conferences.

Non-judicial member of the Electoral Board, Cantabria (Spain).

Member of the Committee for Access to Professorship through national accreditation in Social and Legal Sciences at the Directorate-General for Univeristy Policy under the Ministry of University.

Member of the Madrid Bar Association, non-practicing (since 1989).




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Inés Fontes

Inés Fontes

Inés Fontes
Inés Fontes
Academic Counsel
+34 915 829 100
Nº collegiate member
44,907 ICAM
Madrid Office
Paseo de la Castellana, 216. 28046 Madrid (España)
(+34) 91 582 91 00

Inés is a member of Academic Counsel at Gómez-Acebo & Pombo.

She specialises in general commercial law, contracts, mergers and acquisitions, corporate conflicts, restructurings and general advice to companies. She has broad experience in advising investment funds and companies in the sale and purchase of real estate in Spain.

Inés has a Law degree from the Complutense University of Madrid and a master’s degree in Corporate Legal Services from the IE University. She has also completed the Harvard Law School (USA) Programme of Instruction for Lawyers (P.I.L.).

Inés has authored a number of specialist legal publications.

She joins Gómez-Acebo & Pombo in 2013.

1990 | Degree in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain).

1991 | Master’s degree in Corporate Legal Consultancy from the IE University (Spain).

1992 | Programme of Instruction for Lawyers (P.I.L.) from the Harvard Law School (USA).

Member of the Madrid Bar Association (since 1992).



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Elisa Torralba

Elisa Torralba

Elisa Torralba
Elisa Torralba
Academic Counsel
(+34) 915 829 100
Madrid Office
Paseo de la Castellana, 216. 28046 Madrid (España)
(+34) 91 582 91 00

Elisa is a member of the Academic Counsel at Gómez-Acebo & Pombo.

She holds a degree in Law from the University of Barcelona and Doctorate with Extraordinary qualification, cum laude.

She furthered her training with a special licence in European Law at the Institut d’Études Européens, University of Brussels (Belgium), receiving the qualification Grande Distinction, specialising in private, social and economic law.

She is Professor of International Private Law at the Autonomous University of Madrid and author and co-author of numerous books and publications.

Areas and sectors in which he collaborates

He collaborates with Gómez-Acebo & Pombo since 2008.

Degree in Law from the University of Barcelona (Spain).

Doctorate in Law from the University of Barcelona.

Special degree in European Law from the Institut d’Études Européens at University of Brussels (Belgium).

1991 | Associate in an important national firm.

2002 | Associate in an important national firm.


