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GA_P strengthens its focus on renewable energies – Cinco Días
The Cinco Días newspaper published an article under the title “law firms think green,” which references “the green revolution” that has reached the legal sector. The earthquake caused by the Next Generation Funds will leave a rain of 750.000 million euros to countries of the Union in aid for digitalization and ecological transition projects, which indicates an increase in demand for experts in environmental issues to face hours of negotiation and complex public tenders, a scene where lawyers will play an important role.
Thus, the article mentions the recent incorporations of Vanessa Armas and Eduardo Orteu to the Madrid and Barcelona offices, whose objective is to strengthen the Energy area of Gómez-Acebo & Pombo, “in particular with lawyers who have extensive experience in Public Administration”, and expertise in financing operations for infrastructure and renewable energy projects, as well as in sustainability, the environment, and water.
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Thus, the article mentions the recent incorporations of Vanessa Armas and Eduardo Orteu to the Madrid and Barcelona offices, whose objective is to strengthen the Energy area of Gómez-Acebo & Pombo, “in particular with lawyers who have extensive experience in Public Administration”, and expertise in financing operations for infrastructure and renewable energy projects, as well as in sustainability, the environment, and water.
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Lawyer mentioned
Vanessa Armas – Counsel
Eduardo Orteu – Counsel
Areas and sectors
Press contact

Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications

Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications
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Gómez-Acebo & Pombo
10 Jan, 2025
Changes to the EU-ETS scheme: Analysis of Decree-law no. 101/2024 of 4 December
Decree- law no. 101/2024 redefines the EU-ETS, laying down new GHG reduction targets and driving the adoption of low- or zero-carbon technologies, it brings Portugal into line with the European Union's climate objectives.
09 Jan, 2025
Questionable constitutionality of Royal Decree-law approving a temporary energy levy previously rejected by the Spanish Parliament
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23 Dec, 2024
As alterações ao regime do CELE: Análise do Decreto-Lei n.º 101/2024, de 4 de dezembro
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05 Nov, 2024
Directive (EU) 2023/2413: the designation of ‘renewables acceleration areas’ in which projects are exempted from an environmental impact assessment
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23 Oct, 2024
CNMC Circular 1/2024: network access and connection of demand-side facilities
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03 Oct, 2024
Royal Decree 962/2024: electricity production in offshore renewable energy facilities
Royal Decree 962/2024 establishes the open application procedure to which offshore renewable energy facilities that are not innovative or that are located in ports of national general interest are subject.
17 Apr, 2023
The manufacturer must compensate the purchaser for damage caused by NOx defeat devices in Dieselgate cases (CJEU, Grand Chamber, 21 March 2023, C-100/21, QB v. Mercedes-Benz)
To date, the latest decision of the EU court in the Dieselgate saga, and the most controversial in private law.
30 Nov, 2021
Auction for the Reservation of Capacity for Floating Solar Photovoltaic Plants
The Official Gazette published the Ministerial Order No. 11740-B/2021, opening the competitive procedure for the allocation of a reservation of capacity of injection in the Public Service Electricity Grid for floating solar photovoltaic plants.
19 Nov, 2021
Amendment of the legal regime of the organisation and operation of the National Electricity System (Portugal)
The public consultation regarding the long-awaited draft Decree-Law that revokes the legal regulations applicable to the activities of generation, transmission, distribution and supply of electricity and the organisation of electricity markets (the "Draft Decree-law") is underway, and contributions may be submitted until 24 November 2021 through the Consultation - National Electricity System platform (consultalex.gov.pt).