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Gómez-Acebo & Pombo incorporates Aitor Soloeta as the new head of Tax in Bilbao.
Gómez-Acebo & Pombo incorporates Aitor Soloeta as the new head of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Bilbao.
Aitor Soloeta, until now a Tax Partner at PwC in Bilbao, is a recognized expert in Foral Tax Law, and has also provided advice to national and international entities.
He began his professional career as a tax lawyer, advising companies for nine years, later going on to work for the Public Administration for 21 years, 10 of them as a Finance Inspector, 4 years as head of the Treasury and Economic Promotion Departments of a Local Entity, 3 years as responsible for the economic administration of the General Meetings of Bizkaia (parliament of that Territory), and the last 4 years as General Director of the Foral Treasury of Bizkaia.
He has also been vice president of the Board of Directors of the financial entity Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa, before its transformation into the Banking Foundation, in which he has also participated as a member of its Board of Trustees.
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Aitor Soloeta, until now a Tax Partner at PwC in Bilbao, is a recognized expert in Foral Tax Law, and has also provided advice to national and international entities.
He began his professional career as a tax lawyer, advising companies for nine years, later going on to work for the Public Administration for 21 years, 10 of them as a Finance Inspector, 4 years as head of the Treasury and Economic Promotion Departments of a Local Entity, 3 years as responsible for the economic administration of the General Meetings of Bizkaia (parliament of that Territory), and the last 4 years as General Director of the Foral Treasury of Bizkaia.
He has also been vice president of the Board of Directors of the financial entity Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa, before its transformation into the Banking Foundation, in which he has also participated as a member of its Board of Trustees.
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Press contact

Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications

Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications
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