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Iñigo Érlaiz on the challenges facing the legal sector in 2023 | Expansión
Among the main challenges that the legal sector will face in 2023 are the attraction and retention of talent, along with the search for greater efficiency and productivity, according to this article in Expansión.
Our managing partner, Iñigo Érlaiz, points out that: “2023 will start in a difficult context, in which the increase in interest rates and the inflationary outlook will foreseeably translate into greater price pressure. Our clients, for their part, will be looking to restructure their businesses and balance sheets to adjust to the new conditions. As an organisation, we will also continue to work on building an attractive value proposition for talent, aware that this means continuing to work on three main aspects: work-life balance, flexibility and effective equal opportunities”.
Read full article.
Our managing partner, Iñigo Érlaiz, points out that: “2023 will start in a difficult context, in which the increase in interest rates and the inflationary outlook will foreseeably translate into greater price pressure. Our clients, for their part, will be looking to restructure their businesses and balance sheets to adjust to the new conditions. As an organisation, we will also continue to work on building an attractive value proposition for talent, aware that this means continuing to work on three main aspects: work-life balance, flexibility and effective equal opportunities”.
Read full article.
Lawyer mentioned
Iñigo Erlaiz – Partner
Press contact

Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications

Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications
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Gómez-Acebo & Pombo
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