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Madalena Caldeira on legal matters relating to the Farfetch situation | Observador
Madalena Caldeira, Labour coordinator at the Lisbon office, answers some questions about the Farfetch scenario, particularly in relation to the issues of IRS payments for workers and teleworking.
With regard to the payment of IRS on securities, she explains that it is not possible to give an exact answer because “the conditions for the allocation of shares and/or the workers’ specific plan are not absolutely known”, since there are “a multitude of issues to be analysed depending on the specific situation” of each employee.
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With regard to the payment of IRS on securities, she explains that it is not possible to give an exact answer because “the conditions for the allocation of shares and/or the workers’ specific plan are not absolutely known”, since there are “a multitude of issues to be analysed depending on the specific situation” of each employee.
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Madalena Caldeira – Partner
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Sandra Cuesta
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Gómez-Acebo & Pombo
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