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Verónica Romaní recognised in IFLR1000 Women Leaders for 2021
The fourth edition of the IFRL1000 Women Leaders guide has recently been released, in which Verónica Romaní, Partner and co-head of the Energy and Project Finance group of Gómez-Acebo y Pombo, is recognised as one of the most outstanding female lawyers in Spain in the areas covered by the directory: financial and corporate transactions and contracts, as well as licensing and regulatory projects.
This guide offers a snapshot of the elite group of the most reputable female lawyers in the market, who have knowledge, expertise and experience in complex transactions, who have reached leadership positions in their firms or practice areas, or both, and which is a true reflection of the global female legal landscape in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
Check the list here.
This guide offers a snapshot of the elite group of the most reputable female lawyers in the market, who have knowledge, expertise and experience in complex transactions, who have reached leadership positions in their firms or practice areas, or both, and which is a true reflection of the global female legal landscape in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
Check the list here.
Press contact

Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications

Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications
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Gómez-Acebo & Pombo
Effects of Pillar II and the new U.S. tax policy on Spanish ETVEs and parent entities
The latest Executive Orders issued by the U.S. President require an analysis of the Pillar II effects on Spanish ETVEs and parent entities that are part of U.S. MNE groups.
3 days ago
Appropriate Dispute Resolution (ADR) in the Public Service of Justice (Efficiency Measures) Act and its effects on limitation periods for civil actions
A few thoughts on Articles 7 through 10 of the Public Service of Justice (Efficiency Measures) Act 1/2025 of 2 January.
5 days ago
The concept of transferable securities and the exclusion of municipalities as qualified investors for the purposes of prospectus publications: CJEU judgment of 9 January 2025
In this judgment, the CJEU considers that shares whose transfer is subject to approval by the board of directors can be considered transferable securities for the purposes of the European prospectus legislation and MiFID.
07 Feb, 2025
New obligation to make health data available to third parties: issues with protected data
This paper explores the new obligation to make health data available to third parties in light of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Health Data Space.
04 Feb, 2025
Employment and social security measures and their extension pending passage of the Spanish Government’s budget
In the absence of a Spanish Government budget, urgent measures have been approved in the fields of employment and social security that allow for the updating of some amounts and the application of some legislative provisions for 2025.
29 Jan, 2025
Medidas y prórroga de medidas laborales y de seguridad social a la espera de los Presupuestos Generales del Estado
Ante la ausencia de Presupuestos Generales del Estado, se aprueban medidas urgentes que, en el ámbito laboral y de la Seguridad Social, permiten actualizar algunas cuantías y aplicar algunas normas previstas para el 2025.
29 Jan, 2025
La nueva obligación de poner datos de salud a disposición de terceros: problemática cuando los datos están protegidos
Se examina la nueva obligación de poner datos de salud a disposición de terceros a la luz del Reglamento del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo relativo al Espacio Europeo de Datos de Salud.
28 Jan, 2025
Public Service of Justice Efficiency Measures Act 1/2025. A close look at the amendments in respect of court costs
In the assessment and billing of costs, courts may consider the collaboration of the parties in the use of suitable means of dispute resolution and any abuse of the public service of Justice, and “to this end the party ordered to pay may request a waiver or containment of costs after these have been billed”.
Tax Litigation
17 Jan, 2025
Dispute resolution in the context of Pillar Two
Possible differences that may arise in the interpretation or application of GloBE rules by different jurisdictions require the adoption of dispute resolution mechanisms specifically designed for Pillar Two.