Bárbara Saínz de Vicuña

Bárbara is an Intellectual Property counsel at Gómez-Acebo & Pombo.
She is specialised in all aspects pertaining to e-commerce, consumer rights, data protection, copyright, advertising and new technologies, as well as in franchising contracts.
She has a degree in Law – International Relations and a degree in Political Science from the Comillas Pontifical University (Spain) and has a master’s degree in Intellectual Property Law from the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain). She has also taken several courses as course in Entertainment Law from the IESE Business School, course on the regulation of online advertising of advertising from AUTOCONTROL (an independent advertising self-regulatory organisation in Spain) and the preparatory course for Data Protection Officer certification from the Spanish Association of Privacy Professionals (APEP).
Bárbara has participated in secondments at Nike European Operations Netherlands and at Discovery Communications Spain & Portugal. She is member of the APEP and the Entertainment Law Association (DENAE).
She has acted as lecturer of several courses on data protection, e-commerce and advertising aimed at clients’ legal affairs and marketing departments and has authored numerous articles on digital law, franchises, data protection and consume for specialised publications as Economist & Jurist, The Franchise Law Review, Dataguidance. Likewise, she is the coauthor of Consumer Reviews published bimonthly in La Ley.
Areas and sectors in which it collaborates
I have carried out numerous national and international matters with Gómez-Acebo & Pombo.
She joins Gómez-Acebo & Pombo in 2008 and becomes a counsel in 2024.
2008 | Degree in Law and Political Science from the Comillas Pontifical University (Spain).
2009 | Master’s degree in Intellectual Property Law from the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain).
2010 | Course in Entertainment Law from the IESE University (Spain).
2011 | Course on online regulation of advertising. Association for the Self-Regulation of Commercial Communication (AUTOCONTROL).
2017 | Course to obtain the certificate of Data Protection Delegate from the Spanish Professional Privacy Association (APEP).
Member of the Madrid Bar Association.
Member of the Spanish Association of Privacy Professionals.
Member of the Entertainment Law Association.