Cristina Mendezona

Cristina is a senior associate of Public Law and Regulated Sectors at Gómez-Acebo & Pombo.
She is a specialist in matters of administrative law in general and, in particular, in government procurement, contentious-administrative jurisdiction, infrastructure, energy and environment. She has also an extensive experience in legal advice both from companies, public and private, as well as for public administrations and the public sector in general. Likewise, she has also participated directly and actively in the elaboration of general provisions (draft laws, provincial regulations, decrees …), as well as in judicial proceedings before the contentious-administrative jurisdiction and in matters of patrimonial responsibility. Cristina has been a legal member at a recruitment table.
Cristina holds a degree in Law from the University of Deusto (Spain),and has the Certificate of Professional Aptitude from the General Council of Spanish Lawyers and the Basque Council of Law. In addition, she is a graduate in Urban planning from the Basque Institute of Public Administration (IVAP).
She has participated as author or coauthor in several specialised publications.
She joins Gómez-Acebo & Pombo in 2006.
1996 | Degree in Law from the University of Deusto (Spain).
1998 | Certificate of Professional Aptitude from the General Council of Spanish Lawyers and the Basque Council of Lawyers (Spain).
2009 | Diploma in Town Planning from the Basque Institute of Public Administration (IVAP).
2018 | Legal spokesperson on a contracting board.
2019 | Data Protection Delegate Course of the School of Legal Practice of the Bar Association of Bizkaia.
Member of Bizkaia Bar Association (since 1997).