José Luis Amérigo

José Luis is a Litigation and Arbitration lawyer at Gómez-Acebo & Pombo.
He is a specialist in litigation, intellectual and industrial property and criminal law.
He has a degree and a master’s degree in law from the ESADE law School. He attended the IP&IT master’s degree in Intellectual Property and Information Society at ESADE, master’s degree in biotechnology, Biomedicine and Law from UNED and master’s degree in Criminalistics, specializing in Judicial Expertise in Intellectual and Industrial Property at the University Autonomous of Barcelona (Spain).
In addition, he has taken several courses such as Legal Expert in Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Tokenization and Criptoactives by Blockchain Intelligence Legal Institute, expert in eSports by Complutense University of de Madrid, Advanced Data Protection taught by the Bar association of Barcelona / UOC, the Arbitration and mediation course in accordance with the OMPI / WIPO regulations, the course on Criminal Law of New Technologies taught by the Oberta University of Cataluña (Spain), the Judicial Expert in Industrial Property course taught by the UNED and the Technological Contracts course taught by the Bar Association of Barcelona.
He is a speaker at conferences on advice to non-profit entities on intellectual and industrial property and new technologies.
José Luis has participated as author in several specialised legal publications.
Areas and sectors in which he collaborates
He joins Gómez-Acebo & Pombo in 2011.
2010 | Bachelor and Master’s degree in Law from ESADE Law School (Spain).
2011 | IP&IT master’s degree in Intellectual Property and Information Society from ESADE Law Schoo
2012 | Master’s Degree in Biotechnology, Biomedicine and Law from UNED (Spain)
2012 | Master’s degree in Criminalistics, specialising in Judicial Expertise in Intellectual and Industrial Property from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain).
2012 | Course on Plant Variety Protection under the UPOV Convention by WIPO/WIPO.
2013 | Course on Advanced Data Protection by the Barcelona Bar Association (Spain). Course on Fashion Law by the Barcelona Bar Association. Course on Arbitration and Mediation under WIPO/WIPO rules. Course on Criminal Law of new technologies by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain). Course on Intellectual Property and the development of the publishing world by the Internacional Menéndez Pelayo University (Spain).
2014 | Course on Judicial Expert in Industrial Property by the UNED. Course on technology contracts by the Barcelona Bar Association.
Member of the Barcelona Bar Association (since 2011).