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GA_P advises Grupo Gaïana on the purchase of 85% of the capital of Ayanet TIC
Gómez-Acebo & Pombo has advised Grupo Gaïana, a French leader in the development of agri-food software, on the acquisition of a majority stake in Ayanet TIC, an Aragonese IT consultancy firm specialised in the agri-food and distribution sector.
The French company acquires 85% of the capital of Ayanet TIC. The operation is part of Gaïana’s external growth strategy and is the gateway to its expansion not only in Spain, but also in other southern European countries – France, Italy and Portugal – where the Bordeaux-based company aims to become a leader in agri-food software development.
The GA_P team was formed by Fernando de las Cuevas, Diana Linage, Inés López, Miguel Azpeitia and Raúl López, partner, of counsel and associates of the Corporate department, Oliver Padilla, associate of the Tax department, Delia Castaños, associate of the Labour department and José Ramón Pérez, associate of the Real Estate department.
The French company acquires 85% of the capital of Ayanet TIC. The operation is part of Gaïana’s external growth strategy and is the gateway to its expansion not only in Spain, but also in other southern European countries – France, Italy and Portugal – where the Bordeaux-based company aims to become a leader in agri-food software development.
The GA_P team was formed by Fernando de las Cuevas, Diana Linage, Inés López, Miguel Azpeitia and Raúl López, partner, of counsel and associates of the Corporate department, Oliver Padilla, associate of the Tax department, Delia Castaños, associate of the Labour department and José Ramón Pérez, associate of the Real Estate department.
Press contact

Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications

Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications
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Gómez-Acebo & Pombo
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