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GA_P advises Miura on the acquisition of the digital educational platform Educaedu

icon 17 of January, 2022
Gómez-Acebo & Pombo has advised Miura Partner in the acquisition of the digital platform Educaedu, a leading Basque company in its sector with more than 120 million users in its portals and offering nearly 140,000 training options in different areas and levels in nine languages and more than 20 countries.

Educaedu functions as a directory and an online search system where students from more than twenty countries can access a wide range of training options in different areas, from degrees, masters and MBAs, to specialized courses in competitive examinations or vocational training. Last year, Educaedu’s revenues, which have grown by more than 40% in recent years, are expected to have significantly exceeded 20 million euros, while its ebitda was expected to reach approximately 5.5 million euros.

As part of its growth strategy, Educaedu bought Infoempleo from Vocento in 2019. In recent years, it has also acquired Grupo Aprendemas, Educaonline or Activolution, among others.

GA_PTeam: Íñigo Erláiz, Álvaro Mateo, Clara Rivero, Diego Martínez Colino and Mónica Ojeda, partners, associate and LEF of Corporate, Rafael Aguilera, Paula Zarzalejos and Juan Ferreras, partner and associates of Banking.


Press release


Iñigo Erlaiz – Managing Partner

Álvaro Mateo Sixto – Partner

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Sandra Cuesta
Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications
Sandra Cuesta
Sandra Cuesta
Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications

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