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Work, in search of itself | El País
28 of February, 2023
El País reports in its article on the transformation that the way of working is undergoing. The work activity that we knew until now is almost a thing of the past. The moment of transformation was predictable and has become a reality largely due to the fact that digital platforms have favored teleworking and automation.
Carlos de la Torre, partner of the labor area in the firm, states: “Hybrid work has been an unprecedented success. This means that the classic concepts of where, when, and how to work are in search of virtuous balances.” He also notes that: “The regulatory framework evolves very slowly and sometimes not in the right direction.”
Read the entire article.
Carlos de la Torre, partner of the labor area in the firm, states: “Hybrid work has been an unprecedented success. This means that the classic concepts of where, when, and how to work are in search of virtuous balances.” He also notes that: “The regulatory framework evolves very slowly and sometimes not in the right direction.”
Read the entire article.
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Carlos de la Torre – Partner
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Sandra Cuesta
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Sandra Cuesta
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