Áreas de atuação


“The team was well coordinated by key people with responsibility for the engagement. The team was very responsive and the work product was helpful and clear.”

Chambers & Partners Europe

A nossa prática de reestruturações e situações especiais alcançou um estatuto de liderança reconhecido pelos principais diretórios jurídicos internacionais e pelo mercado em geral. Fomos galardoados em várias ocasiões com o prémio de melhor firma em reestruturações pelo El Confidencial e pelo IFLR, além de estarmos posicionados na Band 1 da Chambers & Partners, consolidando assim a nossa posição de referência indiscutível nesta área. Para além de assessorarmos as maiores reestruturações em Espanha, destacamo-nos pela nossa abordagem inovadora, prática e eficaz na resolução dos desafios dos nossos clientes.

Contamos com uma vasta experiência em matéria de refinanciamento e reestruturação – tanto em pré-falência como em falência – tendo participado na maioria dos processos mais destacados e inovadores dos últimos tempos. A nossa equipa multidisciplinar é composta por especialistas em crédito, direito societário, insolvência e contencioso. A equipa trabalha em estreita colaboração com todos os nossos escritórios, nomeadamente os de Londres e Nova Iorque.

Entre os nossos clientes encontram-se grandes empresas, instituições financeiras, bancos de investimento, fundos de investimento e de crédito, hedge funds, administradores de insolvência e conselhos de administração. Esta diversidade, que nos dá uma visão ampla e abrangente, permite-nos oferecer soluções personalizadas e eficazes para cada situação. O nosso compromisso é com a excelência e a inovação na assessoria jurídica no domínio das reestruturações.

Entre as nossas áreas de atividade neste campo, destacam-se as seguintes:

Mantemos uma parceria permanente com os principais escritórios internacionais de serviços jurídicos, o que nos permite assegurar a cobertura de transações reguladas por outras leis que não a espanhola e a portuguesa em jurisdições fora dos nossos territórios principais, com especial incidência na América Latina. Esta parceria estratégica proporciona-nos uma perspetiva global e permite-nos oferecer um aconselhamento abrangente e adaptado às complexidades e diversidades jurídicas presentes nos negócios internacionais.

Conheça a equipa


Somos reconhecidos a nível nacional e internacional pelos nossos serviços jurídicos, gestão, serviço ao cliente, inovação e excelência técnica.

Chambers & Partners, Europe 2025. Restructuring/Insolvency: Restructuring
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2025. Restructuring/Insolvency: Restructuring
“The law firm leads very complex matters with a multidisciplinary and highly specialised team.”
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2025. Restructuring/Insolvency: Restructuring
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2025. Restructuring/Insolvency: Restructuring
“I really value GAP’s experience in complex matters. It has the ability to identify a situation and its associated risks in a clear and agile way.”
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2025. Restructuring/Insolvency: Restructuring
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2025. Restructuring/Insolvency: Restructuring
“Gómez-Acebo’s restructuring and insolvency team is full of professionals who are passionate about doing their job excellently, always with the utmost respect.”
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2025. Restructuring/Insolvency: Insolvency
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2025. Restructuring/Insolvency: Insolvency
“The law firm leads very complex matters with a multidisciplinary and highly specialised team.”
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2025. Restructuring/Insolvency: Insolvency
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2025. Restructuring/Insolvency: Insolvency
“I really value GAP’s experience in complex matters. It has the ability to identify a situation and its associated risks in a clear and agile way.”
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2025. Restructuring/Insolvency: Insolvency
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2025. Restructuring/Insolvency: Insolvency
“Gómez-Acebo’s restructuring and insolvency team is full of professionals who are passionate about doing their job excellently, always with the utmost respect.”
Legal 500 2024. Restructuring and Insolvency
Legal 500 2024. Restructuring and Insolvency
‘Very technically capable’
Legal 500 2024. Restructuring and Insolvency
Legal 500 2024. Restructuring and Insolvency
‘Paula Zarzalejos covers the finance side of restructuring transactions and is a pleasure to work with. She understands the interactions between restructuring and finance and delivers fantastic advice in a user-friendly manner.’
Legal 500 2024. Restructuring and Insolvency
Legal 500 2024. Restructuring and Insolvency
‘Ferran Foix is another exceptionally strong member of the team. He brings a calm manner and keen commercial insight to his practice.’
Legal 500 2024. Restructuring and Insolvency
Legal 500 2024. Restructuring and Insolvency
‘Miguel Lamo de Espinosa remains at the top of his game. He is a fantastic lawyer and always has the clients’ needs at the forefront of his practice.’
Legal 500 2024. Restructuring and Insolvency – Spain
Legal 500 2024. Restructuring and Insolvency – Spain
“Great professionals, technically very good. They comply in a timely manner.”
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2024. Restructuring
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2024. Restructuring
The team was well coordinated by key people with responsibility for the engagement. The team was very responsive and the work product was helpful and clear.
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Restructuring/Insolvency: Restructuring
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Restructuring/Insolvency: Restructuring
“Miguel is very pragmatic. He understands business. He’s commercial and understands the clients’ language.”
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Restructuring/Insolvency – Portugal
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Restructuring/Insolvency – Portugal
“Filipa Cotta is always commercially sensitive and solution-focused.”
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Restructuring/Insolvency – Portugal
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Restructuring/Insolvency – Portugal
“She has immense negotiation skills and insolvency knowledge.”
The Legal 500 2023. Restructuring & Insolvency – Portugal
The Legal 500 2023. Restructuring & Insolvency – Portugal
“Rita Espírito Santo is an excellent professional.”
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Restructuring/Insolvency: Restructuring
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Restructuring/Insolvency: Restructuring
“He pays quick attention and provides innovative solutions.”
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Restructuring/Insolvency: Insolvency
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Restructuring/Insolvency: Insolvency
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Restructuring/Insolvency: Insolvency
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Restructuring/Insolvency: Insolvency
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Restructuring/Insolvency: Restructuring
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Restructuring/Insolvency: Restructuring
“He is sought after for cross-border restructuring transactions.”
The Legal 500 2022. Insolvency and restructuring – Portugal
The Legal 500 2022. Insolvency and restructuring – Portugal
«Rita Espírito Santo is recommended.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Restructuring/Insolvency: Insolvency
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Restructuring/Insolvency: Insolvency
“He is technically very capable, prompt and agile”
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Restructuring/Insolvency: Restructuring
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Restructuring/Insolvency: Restructuring
“Rafael Aguilera Álvarez is amazing at spotting solutions and makes operations go forward”
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Restructuring/Insolvency: Restructuring
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Restructuring/Insolvency: Restructuring
“Miguel is outstanding technically, super innovative, and brings knowledge to difficult situations”
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Restructuring/Insolvency
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Restructuring/Insolvency
“Gómez-Acebo & Pombo gives clear, precise and commercial advice”
IFLR 1000 2022: Market Leader. Restructuring & Insolvency
IFLR 1000 2022: Market Leader. Restructuring & Insolvency
IFLR 1000 2022: Highly Regarded. Financial Restructuring
IFLR 1000 2022: Highly Regarded. Financial Restructuring
IFLR 1000 2022: Rising Star. Restructuring and Insolvency
IFLR 1000 2022: Rising Star. Restructuring and Insolvency
IFLR 1000 2022: Notable Practitioner. Restructuring & Insolvency
IFLR 1000 2022: Notable Practitioner. Restructuring & Insolvency
IFLR 1000 2022: Highly Regarded. Restructuring & Insolvency
IFLR 1000 2022: Highly Regarded. Restructuring & Insolvency

