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Abusive trading practices in the “Measures for a Better Functioning Food Supply Chain Act 12/2013, of 2 August”

icon 16 de septiembre, 2013
1. Scope of the act
The Official State Gazette of 3 August (no. 185) has published the Measures for a better functioning food supply chain Act 12/2013, of 2 August, which will come into force five months after publication.
As stated in its first article, the purpose of this new Act is to introduce measures to improve the functioning of the «food supply chain», defined as the set of activities carried out by the different operators involved in the production, processing and distribution of food or food products (including those made between agro-food supply chain operators in the process of packaging, processing or storing for later sale, and purchases of livestock, fodder and all raw materials and ingredients used for animal feed).


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Ángel García Vidal – Consejero Académico

Iñigo Igartua – Socio

