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Call for applications for ‘specific remuneration’ (subsidy payments) to renewable energy (wind and biomass) facilities

icon 27 de octubre, 2015
Having a week elapsed since the publication of Royal Decree 947/2015 of 16 October, setting out a call designed to confer the specific remuneration scheme to new facilities producing electricity from biomass on the mainland grid and to wind-technology facilities, the Official Journal of Spain of 24 October publishes Order IET/2212/2015 of 23 October regulating the procedure conferring the specific remuneration (subsidy payment) scheme in the call for applications from new facilities producing electricity from biomass on the mainland grid and to wind-technology facilities, made under Royal Decree 947/2015, of 16 October, and approving its remuneration parameters. Under this order, the allocation mechanism for specific remuneration shall be conducted by an auction…


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