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Calling for general shareholders’ meetings in Spanish companies

icon 18 de abril, 2012
Spanish corporate laws have clearly established the possibility (“obligation” in case of listed companies) to create a corporate website, which could be used as a means of information and advertising in the company. At this moment, however, we would just like to comment that, as from very recently approved amendments, such website could indeed be used as a means for publishing a calling for a General Shareholders/Partners’ Meeting.
This was initially restricted to limited liability companies (S.L.s) until approval of Royal Decree-law 9/12, of March 16, but is now extended to all stock companies (also S.A.s). However, certain considerations must be taken into account for using this system:
1. Creation of a corporate website for such purposes requires to be duly approved by General Shareholders/Partners’ Meeting and this creation shall be noted in the Mercantile Registry sheet of the company and published in the Official Gazette of the Mercantile Registry.


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