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Establishment of companies and foreign qualified professionals as a support for entrepeneurs and their internationalisation (The New Spanish Golden Visa)

icon 7 de septiembre, 2015
Indeed, a country’s policy in respect of immigration is increasingly considered an element of com-petitiveness, to the extent that the admission of qualified professionals to our neighbouring countries has become an international reality that is thought to represent, globally, around 30% of international economic migration. The OECD has identified the institutional and regulatory environment of the host State as a key factor conducive to entrepreneurship, and this has driven more advanced countries to introduce systems that are specifically designed to attract investment and talent and are characterised by streamlined procedures and specialised channels. Against this backdrop, below follows a brief description of the changes made by Act 25/2015 to parts of Act 14/2013…


Lourdes López – Consejera Académica

