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Main amendments introduced by the Royal Decree Act 3/2016

icon 9 de diciembre, 2016
By virtue of this Royal Decree Act, several tax measures have been adopted geared towards the consolidation of public finances with the aim to encourage growth, employment creation and reduction of public deficit. These measures specifically encompass certain amendments within the Act 27/2014 of November 27th regarding Corporate Income Tax, Royal Decree Act 13/2011 of December 28th on Special Taxation, Act 58/2003 of December 17th on General Taxation, Act 20/1990 of December the 19th on the Taxation regime of the Cooperatives, and Act 11/2009 of October 26th regulating the REITs. Additionally, the land registry value of 2.452 municipalities are updated…


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Gómez-Acebo & Pombo Tax Area

