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Revision of European patent translations to include chemical pharmaceutical product claims: a change of direction?

icon 1 de junio, 2012
The present document provides an analysis of the issue of revised European translations to add product claims, focusing on recent Order no. 130/12 of Commercial Court no. 4 of Barcelona and its implications.
1. Introduction
One of the main problems in Spanish patent law in recent years has been the effects on chemical-pharmaceutical patents of the entry into force of the Agreement on the aspects of intellectual property rights related to commerce, of 15 April 1994 (ADPIC).
As is well known, in Spanish law inventions of chemical and pharmaceutical products were not patentable before 7 October 1992 [First Transitional Provision of the 1986 Patent Law, Instrument of 10 July 1986, on adhesion to the European Patent Convention (EPC) and Transitory Provision of Royal Decree 244/1986, of 27 November 1986, on EPC application in Spain]. This situation led the European Patent Office (EPO) to take into account the ban on the patentability of chemical-pharmaceutical products in Spain until 1992 and recommend applicants for European patents which included product claims to draft a specific set of claims for Spain (Communication of the President of the EPO of 13 May 1992).


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Ángel García Vidal – Consejero Académico

