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The Spanish Constitutional court once more makes a pronouncement on the bank deposits tax

icon 8 de julio, 2015
Once created, the state tax’s constitutionality has been repeatedly endorsed by the Constitutional Court (abbrev. TC), which now holds unconstitutional the equivalent regional taxes it has adjudicated on. In this sense, for instance, Judgment 30/2015 of the Constitutional Court of 19 February (rec. no. 5832-2014) held that art. 161 of Act (Valencia) 5/2013, inasmuch as concerning a tax equivalent to the state tax, was unconstitutional and thus void by reason of being in breach of arts. 133(2) and 157(3) of the Spanish Constitution (abbrev. CE) and art. 6(2) of the Regional Financing Act (abbrev. LOFCA) (Point of Law no. 4)…


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Pilar Álvarez – Consejera Académica



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