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New legal framework for Spanish restructurings: technical analysis of the amendments introduced by Royal Decree Act 4/2014

icon 4 de junio, 2014
As any significant law amendment, RDA4/2014 has raised a significant number of questions regarding some of its provisions. In order to provide tentative answers to these questions we asked our academic counsel – comprising prominent university professors and policy makers – to produce the analysis and findings here contained. This booklet is thus a very detailed and technical document rather than a commercial description of the amendments. We acknowledge that reading some of the included memorandums may be difficult, but we believe they will provide significant value to those in need of proper direction through the murky waters of RDA4/2014.
This document does not intend to be comprehensive and should not be relied on as legal advice. Specific advice should be sought before taking any legal action…


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Ángel Carrasco – Consejero Académico

Alberto Díaz – Consejero Académico

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