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Post-11641 Social Security

icon 5 de septiembre, 2016
1. Pensions
1.1. EU membership guaranteed the application of rules on coordination in Social Security systems. Whilst maintaining the independence and autonomy of each national system and, therefore, without creating a single European Social Security system, coordination makes possible the collection of contributions and the payment of pensions in any EU country. The basic principles of Social Security coordination mean that: (a) the worker makes contributions to a single country, that where he or she carries out his or her activity, (b) the contribution in the host country guarantees the same rights and obligations as those of national workers, (c) all periods of contributions in different countries are totaled and where a benefit requires a minimum contribution, the host country is required to accumulate or totalize all periods of contribution in other Member States, and (d) benefits may be exported to any member country where the beneficiary resides. This coordination, however, may not apply in the case of social and medical care (in certain cases, means-tested) or of certain non-contributory benefits (subject to requirements of continuous residence on the national territory of the country granting the benefits)…


Lourdes López – Consejo Académico