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Reform of the Environmental Permitting System for industrial installations

icon 27 de junio, 2013
The «Integrated Environmental Permit», as it is called by Spanish Law, was introduced and regulated by Law 16/2012, which implemented Council Directive 96/61/EC concerning integrated pollution prevention and control&nbsp,(the «IPPC Directive»).
The industrial installations that require this permit are listed under Annex 1 of the Directive, which includes, among others, combustion installations, industrial plants that manufacture and transform metals, industries involving minerals and chemicals, waste-management plants and a series of other specific industrial activities. In general, it is necessary for industries to exceed the production or performance thresholds that are established under said Annex (in Spain, this permit is applicable to upwards of 6,100 industrial installations).


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Blanca Lozano – Consejera Académica

