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Cuts to renewable energies under RD 1565/2010, RD 1614/2010 and RDL 14/2010

icon 18 de octubre, 2010
RD 1565/2010 amends the main regulations establishing the special regime: RD 661/2007, regulating the activity of generation of electricity under the special regime, and RD 1578/2008, related to the remuneration for photovoltaic (PV) solar electricity generation by facilities established after the deadline for observance of the remuneration of RD 661/2007. It also amends RD 1110/2007, which approved the unified Regulation on measurement points of the electricity system and established specific economic regimes (remunerated as provided under RD 661/2007) both for experimental onshore wind generation facilities (up to 160 MW) and for innovative thermoelectric solar facilities (up to 80 MW awarded by tender).


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Ana Isabel Mendoza Losana

