
Private Equity

«They adapted with admirable responsibility and we felt very comfortable throughout the whole process.»

Chambers & Partners Europe

Nuestro grupo está formado por expertos en private equity de diferentes áreas de práctica, concretamente: mercantil, fiscal, financiero, mercado de capitales, regulatorio y reestructuraciones.

Todos ellos cuentan con una vasta experiencia en todo tipo de operaciones complejas, incluidas operaciones que afectan a distintas jurisdicciones y que tienen un elemento internacional.

Contamos, además, con especialistas en:

  • Creación de fondos: Procesos de fundraising, constitución de entidades de capital riesgo, estructuración de sistemas de comisión de éxito (carried interest), relaciones con la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores, auditorías de entidades de capital riesgo para inversores institucionales y fondos de inversión.
  • Venture Capital: Asesoramiento a start-ups, tanto en fases iniciales como de desarrollo (BME Growth, venture debt, rondas de financiación, etc.), especialmente en el sector de las tecnologías e internet.
  • Situaciones especiales: Asesoramiento recurrente a fondos e inversores en la estructuración y ejecución de operaciones complejas, incluidas operaciones de adquisición de deuda y de loan to own (préstamo con opción a compra), operaciones híbridas de capital y deuda, compra de activos distressed, préstamos de dudoso cobro (non performing loans o NPL) y otros activos complejos en sectores regulados.

Nuestros servicios abarcan:

En ellas asesoramos a fondos, equipos gestores o entidades financiadoras.

Incluidas las salidas a bolsa y al mercado alternativo bursátil (BME Growth).

Conoce al equipo


Contamos con un gran reconocimiento nacional e internacional por nuestros servicios jurídicos, gestión, servicio al cliente, innovación y excelencia técnica.

Chambers & Partners, Europe 2024 – Private Equity
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2024 – Private Equity
«They adapted with admirable responsibility and we felt very comfortable throughout the whole process.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Private Equity: Venture Capital
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Private Equity: Venture Capital
«Alex is highly capable from a technical perspective.»
Legal 500 2024. Private Equity
Legal 500 2024. Private Equity
«His dedication and knowledge of the client’s needs sets him apart. Álvaro Mateo is highly recommendable’
Legal 500 2024. Private Equity
Legal 500 2024. Private Equity
‘Pablo Fernández Cortijo has excellent knowledge of the business and the market.’
Legal 500 2024. Private Equity – Spain
Legal 500 2024. Private Equity – Spain
‘Professionalism, empathy and closeness. They are always available even for minor issues. They accompany the client before, during and after the transaction.’
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Private Equity
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Private Equity
«Íñigo Erlaiz Cotelo is close to the client; he’s experienced and fully available. He has extensive knowledge of the market.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Private Equity
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Private Equity
«She’s very technical and dedicated.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Private Equity: Venture Capital
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Private Equity: Venture Capital
«Álvaro Mateo is always able to find a solution that fits the transaction.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Private Equity
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Private Equity
«Gómez-Acebo & Pombo makes me feel I am always in good hands because of its great service and realistic approach»
IFLR 1000 2022: Highly Regarded. Private Equity
IFLR 1000 2022: Highly Regarded. Private Equity
IFLR 1000 2022: Highly Regarded. Capital Markets: Equity
IFLR 1000 2022: Highly Regarded. Capital Markets: Equity
IFLR 1000 2022: Notable practitioner. Capital markets : Equity
IFLR 1000 2022: Notable practitioner. Capital markets : Equity
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Private Equity
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Private Equity
«Íñigo Erlaiz Cotelo is calm, empathetic and willing to get to an agreement to get the deal done while being very commercial and focusing on the key points»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Private Equity: Venture Capital
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Private Equity: Venture Capital
«he manages all the expectations of his clients well and provides excellent feedback based on his wide and cross-sectional experience.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Private Equity: Venture Capital
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Private Equity: Venture Capital

