Bancario y Financiero

Área de práctica


y Financiero

«Gómez-Acebo & Pombo always show great agility and flexibility to deal with all the matters that arise during the negotiations process.»

Chambers & Partners Europe

Nuestro equipo de Bancario y Financiero está formado por profesionales con amplia experiencia en todo tipo de operaciones de deuda ―en las que asesoran tanto a acreedores como a deudores―, así como en regulación financiera y en operaciones de mercado de capitales.

Nuestra práctica en operaciones de deuda abarca el asesoramiento en los siguientes campos:

  • Financiación corporativa: Bajo estructuras de deuda senior, mezzanine y subordinada, incluyendo direct lending y venture debt.
  • Financiación de activos específicos: Inmobiliarios, buques y aeronaves.
  • Financiación de proyectos principalmente en los sectores de energía e infraestructuras.
  • Estructuras financiero-fiscales, incluidas las operaciones de tax lease, en relación con diversos activos.
  • Refinanciaciones y reestructuraciones de deuda, con asesoramiento en las fases preconcursales y concursales.
  • Operaciones singulares de cesión de créditos, préstamos de dudoso cobro (non performing loans o NPL) y adquisición de carteras de deuda frente a entidades públicas y privadas.
  • Operaciones de deuda con riesgo de impago (distressed debt) y situaciones especiales.

Además, orientamos a nuestros clientes en diversas operaciones del mercado de capitales: operaciones de titulización, emisiones y ofertas públicas de suscripción y/o de venta; ofertas públicas de adquisición; asesoramos a sociedades gestoras de instituciones de inversión colectiva abiertas (UCIT) y sociedades gestoras de capital riesgo y de inversión de tipo cerrado (AIF), así como a sus vehículos.

Por último, en materia de regulación, prestamos los siguientes servicios a las entidades financieras supervisadas por el Banco de España (BdE), la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) y la Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones (DGSFP).

Prestamos servicios en:

Conoce al equipo


Contamos con un gran reconocimiento nacional e internacional por nuestros servicios jurídicos, gestión, servicio al cliente, innovación y excelencia técnica.

Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Banking & Finance
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Banking & Finance
«It is a great experience working with her.»
Legal 500 2024. Projects and Project Finance – Portugal
Legal 500 2024. Projects and Project Finance – Portugal
«Luísa Carrilho da Graça contributed significantly in the area of administrative and regulatory law.»
Legal 500 2024. Banking and Finance – Portugal
Legal 500 2024. Banking and Finance – Portugal
«Luisa Carrilho and Mafalda Barreto both perform at the highest level.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Banking & Finance.
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Banking & Finance.
«Gómez-Acebo y Pombo always show great agility and flexibility to deal with all the matters that arise during the negotiations process.»
Legal 500 2024. Banking and Finance – Portugal
Legal 500 2024. Banking and Finance – Portugal
«I highlight their knowledge of the insurance distribution sector and their practical approach.»
Legal 500 2024. Projects and Project Finance – Portugal
Legal 500 2024. Projects and Project Finance – Portugal
«GA_P combines a deep knowledge of Portuguese regulation and increasing knowledge of the energy sector. The GA_P professionals show great involvement with their clients.»
Legal 500 2024. Projects and Project Finance – Portugal
Legal 500 2024. Projects and Project Finance – Portugal
«Closeness and hard work.»
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2024 – Project Finance
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2024 – Project Finance
– «They show a high capacity to manage complex operations and sophisticated structures.»
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2024. Banking & Finance
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2024. Banking & Finance
«Gómez-Acebo y Pombo always show great agility and flexibility to deal with all the matters that arise during the negotiations process.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Project Finance
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Project Finance
«Verónica Romaní Sancho has huge expertise and knowledge. She’s always available to solve whatever issue we have.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Banking & Finance
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Banking & Finance
«Rafael Aguilera Álvarez provided a fantastic service in a complex operation. He always has a commercial vision.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Projects – Portugal
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Projects – Portugal
«Ana Luísa Guimarães is solution-driven.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Projects – Portugal
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Projects – Portugal
«He is available, rapid to respond, very positive and knows the matters very well.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Projects – Portugal
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Projects – Portugal
«Ricardo Campos is highly competent and has an excellent mastery of FIDIC contracts.»
The Legal 500 2023. Projects and project finance – Portugal
The Legal 500 2023. Projects and project finance – Portugal
«Luisa Carrilho da Graça is recommended.»
The Legal 500 2023. Banking and Finance – Portugal
The Legal 500 2023. Banking and Finance – Portugal
«Filipe Santos Barata stands out for his vast knowledge of the insurance sector.»
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Project Finance
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Project Finance
«She’s one of the rainmakers in the sector.»
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Projects
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Projects
«Ricardo Campos is knowledgeable of the matters and of great dedication and availability.»
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Banking & Finance
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Banking & Finance
«He provides fast attention and innovative solutions.»
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Banking & Finance
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Banking & Finance
«He provides fast attention and innovative solutions.»
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Banking & Finance
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Banking & Finance
«Miguel Lamo is a well-regarded financial restructuring lawyer who is sought after for cross-border restructuring transactions.»
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Banking & Finance
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Banking & Finance
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Banking & Finance
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Banking & Finance
«It is a great experience working with her.»
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Project Finance
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Project Finance
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Project Finance
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Project Finance
«She has huge knowledge and experience and is always available when needed.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Projects
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Projects
«Ricardo Campos is knowledgeable of the matters and of great dedication and availability.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Banking & Finance
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Banking & Finance
«Miguel Lamo is a well-regarded financial restructuring lawyer who is sought after for cross-border restructuring transactions.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Banking & Finance
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Banking & Finance
«It is a great experience working with her.»
The Legal 500 2022. Projects and project finance – Portugal
The Legal 500 2022. Projects and project finance – Portugal
«Ricardo Campos is the lawyer that everyone wishes to have on their side. He’s fast and technically flawless.»
The Legal 500 2022. Banking and Finance – Portugal
The Legal 500 2022. Banking and Finance – Portugal
«Filipe Santos Barata did a good job, he was really helpful and on top of the job.»
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Project Finance – Spain
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Project Finance – Spain
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Banking & Finance – Spain
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Banking & Finance – Spain
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Project Finance
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Project Finance
«She has not only extreme technical capabilities but also brilliant negotiation skills even when under a lot of stress and within very complex deals.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Banking & Finance
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Banking & Finance
«Verónica is one of the best lawyers I have worked with»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Projects – Portugal
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Projects – Portugal
«he is kind, easy-going and empathetic to our needs.»
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Banking & Finance – Spain
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Banking & Finance – Spain
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Banking & Finance
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Banking & Finance
«He is amazing at spotting solutions, makes deals go forward and is really creative»
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Banking & Finance – UK
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Banking & Finance – UK
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Banking & Finance – Spain
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Banking & Finance – Spain
«His analytical skills and ability to anticipate shortcomings are outstanding»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Banking & Finance
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Banking & Finance
«very calm and thoughtful»
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Banking & Finance – Portugal. Foreign expert for Mozambique
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Banking & Finance – Portugal. Foreign expert for Mozambique
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Banking & Finance – Portugal. Foreign expert for Angola
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Banking & Finance – Portugal. Foreign expert for Angola
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Banking & Finance – Portugal
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Banking & Finance – Portugal
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Banking & Finance – Portugal
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Banking & Finance – Portugal
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Shipping: Finance – Eminent Practitioners
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Shipping: Finance – Eminent Practitioners
«He is a very well-experienced, known and good lawyer»  
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Project Finance
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Project Finance
«really good eye for business.»
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Project Finance – Spain
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Project Finance – Spain
«He’s extremely hard-working and flexible»
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Project Finance
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Project Finance
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Banking & Finance
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Banking & Finance
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Banking & Finance
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Banking & Finance
«The Gómez-Acebo & Pombo team always provides imaginative solutions that allow us to carry out innovative projects of great value»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Banking & Finance
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Banking & Finance
«the lawyers have the ability to solve complex situations to make the transaction happen in a safe way.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Banking & Finance
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Banking & Finance
«pro-deal-oriented law firm»
IFLR 1000 2022: Market Leader. Banking
IFLR 1000 2022: Market Leader. Banking
IFLR 1000 2022: Rising Star. Banking
IFLR 1000 2022: Rising Star. Banking
IFLR 1000 2022: Rising Star. Banking
IFLR 1000 2022: Rising Star. Banking
IFLR 1000 2022: Notable Practitioner. Banking
IFLR 1000 2022: Notable Practitioner. Banking
IFLR 1000 2022: Highly Regarded. Project Finance
IFLR 1000 2022: Highly Regarded. Project Finance
IFLR 1000 2022: Highly Regarded. Banking
IFLR 1000 2022: Highly Regarded. Banking

