Área de práctica


Industrial e


«The lawyers at Gómez-Acebo & Pombo are very commercially minded, with a practical approach.»

Legal 500 2024 (Tier 1) – Patents & Trademarks

Nuestro equipo de Propiedad Industrial e Intelectual lidera el mercado en España desde prácticamente su fundación. Este posicionamiento lo avalan también los principales directorios legales Chambers & Partners y Legal 500 que tradicionalmente le han otorgado el máximo reconocimiento en sus listas, así como otros directorios especializados, como IP Star y WTR, entre otros.

El área se encuentra organizada en tres grupos especializados que ofrecen servicio integral en patentes, marcas y derechos de autor tanto en materia contractual como litigiosa. Además de los derechos de propiedad industrial e intelectual (patentes, diseños, marcas y copyright, entre otros), el área abarca también asuntos de competencia desleal, publicidad, nuevas tecnologías, secretos industriales y protección de datos.

La dimensión de nuestra práctica, así como la evidente experiencia de nuestros profesionales en el asesoramiento a empresas lideres en sus respectivos sectores, nos permite manejar en paralelo diversos asuntos de elevada complejidad y de escala internacional.

Nuestros servicios incluyen:

  • patentes, modelos y diseños
  • signos distintivos (marcas y nombres comerciales) y brand protection
  • denominaciones de origen e indicaciones de procedencia geográfica
  • competencia desleal

  • protección de secretos empresariales y know-how
  • transferencia de activos inmateriales de empresa
  • digital business

  • derechos de autor, edición, producción, artistas, entidades de radiodifusión y fabricación de software y de bases de datos
  • protección y defensa de obras de todo tipo, grabaciones audiovisuales y fonográficas, programas de ordenador, aplicaciones informáticas, sistemas operativos y bases de datos
  • entidades de gestión de derechos de propiedad intelectual
  • derechos del usuario de creaciones intelectuales

  • producciones musicales y videoclips
  • producciones cinematográficas y televisivas
  • derechos de imagen
  • juegos de ordenador

Conoce al equipo


Legal 500 2024. Intellectual Property – Portugal
Legal 500 2024. Intellectual Property – Portugal
«Cláudia Tomás Pedro has solid knowledge and extensive experience in the most diverse areas of IP and technology law. She stands out for her agility and precision, being able, in a short time, to advise on complex national and international cases.»
Legal 500 2024. Intellectual property: Copyright
Legal 500 2024. Intellectual property: Copyright
‘Isabel Bandín Barreiro is very knowledgeable of all IP and unfair competition matters.’
Legal 500 2024. Data Privacy and Data Protection
Legal 500 2024. Data Privacy and Data Protection
«Isabela Crespo stands out for her knowledge, sympathy and proactivity, especially during the implementation of our business group’s data protection programme.»
Legal 500 2024. Intellectual Property – Spain
Legal 500 2024. Intellectual Property – Spain
‘Team willing to resolve all doubts that arise, with full availability.’
Legal 500 2024. Intellectual Property – Portugal
Legal 500 2024. Intellectual Property – Portugal
«The law firm has excellent expertise in the area of ​​IP and technology law. They are extremely efficient in the advice they provide, always paying attention to details, without losing the global perspective of the case.»
Legal 500 2024. Intellectual Property – Portugal
Legal 500 2024. Intellectual Property – Portugal
«They not only have in-depth knowledge of the main issues in current IP law but also of the main trends and developments in the field.»
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2024 – Intellectual Property
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2024 – Intellectual Property
«The lawyers at Gómez-Acebo & Pombo are very commercially minded, with a practical approach.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Intellectual Property: Trade Marks
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Intellectual Property: Trade Marks
«She is always looking for the best outcome for us.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Intellectual Property: Patents
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Intellectual Property: Patents
«He is a magnificent lawyer.»
The Legal 500 2023. Intellectual Property – Portugal
The Legal 500 2023. Intellectual Property – Portugal
«I’d highlight Claudia Tomás Pedro.»
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks
«She’s very good at understanding the matters and is always ready to listen to the client and respond according to the needs.»
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks – Spain
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks – Spain
«Jesús is a great asset and is always accurate in his analysis.»
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks – Spain
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks – Spain
«He gives excellent, timely and insightful advice.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks
«She’s very good at understanding the matters and is always ready to listen to the client and respond according to the needs.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks
«Jesús is a great asset and is always accurate in his analysis.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks
«He gives excellent, timely and insightful advice.»
The Legal 500 2022. Intellectual Property – Portugal
The Legal 500 2022. Intellectual Property – Portugal
«Cláudia Tomás Pedro is an excellent lawyer and one of the best I have worked with in Europe. She is super responsive and her advice is technically perfect. I would have no hesitation in recommending her and by extension her team.»
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks – Spain
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks – Spain
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks
«a rising star»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks
«her strong point is the great knowledge and experience she has in the field»
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks – Spain
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks – Spain
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks – Spain
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks – Spain
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Intellectual Property: Patents & Trade Marks
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Intellectual Property
Chambers & Partners Global 2022. Intellectual Property
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Intellectual Property
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Intellectual Property
«the team transmits all the information in a timely manner and explains it in a transparent way to the organisation»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Intellectual Property
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Intellectual Property
«the service provided by Gómez-Acebo & Pombo is excellent»

