Área de práctica

Público y Sectores Regulados

«Gómez-Acebo & Pombo provides excellent service with a full dedication as if they where part of our own team.»

Chambers & Partners Europe 2024 (Band 1)

Nuestro destacado equipo de Derecho Público y Sectores Regulados es ampliamente reconocido como líder en España tanto por su estructura sólida como por la diversidad y calidad de los servicios que ofrece.

Esta afirmación viene respaldada por el posicionamiento del equipo en la Banda 1 del prestigioso directorio legal Chambers & Partners y por las consecutivas nominaciones a mejor equipo en esta materia en España en los premios de El Confidencial, así como por otras menciones relacionadas, como la de mejor firma en transformación sostenible por Expansión. Estos reconocimientos reflejan la excelencia profesional de nuestros profesionales, verdaderos expertos no sólo en derecho público, sino en áreas complementarias como energía, infraestructuras y medio ambiente.

Nuestro equipo está compuesto por abogados que han ocupado cargos de gran responsabilidad administrativa, lo que nos otorga un profundo entendimiento de la Administración Pública y de su dinámica interna. Además, contamos con un selecto grupo de catedráticos de las principales universidades del país cuyo prestigio académico nos capacita para abordar los desafíos planteados por los constantes cambios normativos con solidez y eficacia.

La integración cohesionada de nuestros equipos, combinada con nuestra firme voluntad de comprender a fondo el negocio de nuestros clientes, nos ha permitido adquirir una gran experiencia en todos los sectores regulados. Ello nos permite ofrecer el más alto nivel de asesoramiento legal adaptado a las necesidades específicas de cada cliente y a las exigencias de un entorno normativo en constante evolución.

Nuestros servicios incluyen:

Energía (electricidad, gas, hidrocarburos), telecomunicaciones, transportes y servicios postales, agroalimentario, farmacéutico y sanitario, defensa y juego.

Control de concentraciones y procedimientos sancionadores por conductas restrictivas y abusos de posición dominante.

Protección atmosférica y cambio climático e impacto ambiental.

Planificación y gestión urbanística.

Licitaciones, recursos y ejecución de contratos.

Carreteras, aeroportuarias, portuarias, ferroviarias, hospitales, centros educativos y residencias.

(Concesiones, servicios, tramitación de proyectos, fiscalidad), gestión de residuos y servicios sanitarios.

Conoce al equipo


Contamos con un gran reconocimiento nacional e internacional por nuestros servicios jurídicos, gestión, servicio al cliente, innovación y excelencia técnica.

Chambers & Partners, Europe 2025. Public Law
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2025. Public Law
«The solutions they propose to us manage to achieve that complex balance between the legal risk and the objectives of our business.»
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2025. Public Law
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2025. Public Law
«Gómez-Acebo & Pombo have detailed regulatory knowledge and good analytical skills.»
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2025. Public Law
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2025. Public Law
«Gómez-Acebo & Pombo provides us with creative and viable solutions to solve legal problems.»
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2025. Environment
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2025. Environment
«They offer the scenarios with least risk; it is very pragmatic and useful. They also understand our necessities and what we are asking. We go directly to the team because we know they are the best.»
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2025. Environment
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2025. Environment
«Gómez-Acebo & Pombo allows us to have the legal certainty that is necessary when dealing with sophisticated issues. The group offers rigour and results.»
Legal 500 2024. Public Law – Portugal
Legal 500 2024. Public Law – Portugal
«Ricardo Campos is professional and always available.»
Legal 500 2024. Public Law
Legal 500 2024. Public Law
‘What makes this practice unique are the people. Specifically, Pedro Soto. He has been our reference lawyer in this matter, and we have followed him to every firm he has gone to. We had never worked with GA-P until he arrived.’
Legal 500 2024. Public Law
Legal 500 2024. Public Law
‘Lawyers need to have in-depth knowledge of applicable regulations and availability. My experience with GAP has been very good. The work specifically carried out by partner Juan Romero is excellent.’
Legal 500 2024. Public Law – Spain
Legal 500 2024. Public Law – Spain
‘Professionalism, closeness, experience, knowledge, security characterise the firm.’
Legal 500 2024. Public Law – Portugal
Legal 500 2024. Public Law – Portugal
«I have absolute trust in the team.»
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2024 – Public Law
Chambers & Partners, Europe 2024 – Public Law
«Gómez-Acebo & Pombo provides excellent service with a full dedication as if they where part of our own team.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Public Law
«Pedro has the creativity to find solutions that meet our needs. He has the ability to address them proactively.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Restructuring/Insolvency: Insolvency
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Restructuring/Insolvency: Insolvency
«Rodrigo is an extremely capable lawyer with tons of experience in the restructuring arena. He is commercially minded.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Restructuring/Insolvency – Portugal
Chambers & Partners Europe 2024. Restructuring/Insolvency – Portugal
«She is a very insightful business partner.»
The Legal 500 2023. Public Law – Portugal
The Legal 500 2023. Public Law – Portugal
«I’d highlight Ricardo Campos.»
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Global 2023. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Public Law
«He knows the ins and outs of our business. Not only does he know the laws of the sector but also its processes, which can be quite strictly regulated.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Public Law
«Pedro has a lot of technical knowledge.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Public Law
«She is very technical.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Public Law
«Irene is efficient, decisive, versatile and has a high capacity to propose and analyse different alternatives to the problems that arise in tenders and in the execution of contracts.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Europe 2023. Public Law
«Borja is very creative when it comes to finding solutions to the problems that we face.»
The Legal 500 2022. Public Law – Portugal
The Legal 500 2022. Public Law – Portugal
«Ricardo Campos is recommended.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
«he’s very detailed in his analysis.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
«Interviewees highlight his «commercial and practical approach»»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
«His level of knowledge and engagement on our file is always perfect»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
«He is also very accessible and adopts a pro-deal approach»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
«He is very knowledgeable, so he always has the answer»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
«He’s really a public law sage; I think that he knows about every aspect of public law»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
«ability to «explain legal matters to any listener; she is very versatile.»»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
«She is always able to bring solutions to each of the questions that arise and is able to come up with different viable options in order to obtain the best possible answer.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
«enormously efficient and solution-oriented»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
«great knowledge of Spanish administrative law, his analytical skills and his ability to find solutions to the most complex problems»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
«commercial and has good negotiation skills, which means he is able to find a way for the parties to sign an agreement»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
«He is able to put things in a very simple way, though in reality they are very complex.»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
«One of his main qualities is that he has a global and strategic vision of cases»
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
Chambers & Partners Europe 2022. Public Law
«share with the client the details of every proceeding, share their knowledge and act in an agile way»

